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CEIBO EB-251-Emulation Board

Ceibo, Ltd.

Type :
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MCS(R) 51/151/251 Microcontrollers SX
12/11/96 1:27:00 PM

Vendor Information

Tool Description:

EB-251 is an emulation board dedicated to all Intel 8xC251SB microcontroller derivatives. It is serially linked to a PC or compatible systems and can emulate the microcontroller using either the built-in clock oscillator or any other clock source connected to the microcontroller. The clock oscillator is able to support clock frequencies of 24 MHz, 16 MHz, 12 MHz, 8 MHz and 6 MHz. This Crystal oscillator is placed on a socket and may be replaced to obtain any frequency. The operating frequency range is from the microcontroller fmin to fmax. The system emulates the microcontroller in both ROMless and ROMed mode. A two microcontroller architecture leaves the serial port for user applications. The software includes a Source Level Debugger for C, PLM and Assembler, On-line Assembler and Disassembler, Software Trace, Conditional Breakpoints and many other features. The system includes DOS and Windows Debuggers. Both debuggers support high level languages (PLM, C and others) with the capability of executing lines of the program while displaying the state of any variable.
EB-251 provides 128K of user code/data memory. The code memory permits downloading and modifying of user¦s pro-grams. Mapping the data memory to a tar-get circuit or to the system is possible. Breakpoints allow real time execution until an opcode is executed at a specified address or line of the source code. Program execution can be recorded in a 64K buffer. Conditional breakpoints may be defined to stop program execution. The user is able to define events and variables to be added to the software trace. The software trace is not a real-time function and is performed by slowing down the emulation speed. All I/O lines are easily accessed and may be connected to the on-board switches and LEDs when trying out a specific idea. The system is supplied with PLCC emulation header, user soft-ware including Source Level Debugger, Simulator, Assembler, User¦s Manual, RS-232 interface cable and power supply. CS

Tool Features:

  • Emulates Intel 8xC251SB Microcontrollers and Derivatives

  • Real-Time Operation Up to 16 MHz

  • Source-Level Debugger for C, PLM and Assembler

  • Support for ROMless and ROMed Microcontrollers

  • 128K of Code/Data Memory With Mapping Capabilities

  • Performance Analyzer

  • Real-Time and Conditional Breakpoints

  • Emulation Header and Signal Testpoints

  • Serially Linked to PC at 115Kbaud

  • DOS and MS-Windows Software

  • Development Platform(s):

    IBM PC or compatible with one RS-232 port

    File Attachments:

    32.PDF - Electronic catalog page

    Supported Device Detail Matrix:

    Part & Package


    8XC251SX - 44ldPDIP
    8XC251SX - 44ldPLCC


    Vendor Information:

    Ceibo, Ltd.

    32 Maskit St., P.O. Box 2106
    Herzelia , 46120
    (972) 99-555-387

    Email : or
    Fax : (972) 99-553-297
    Toll Free : (800) 833-4084
    URL :

    Contact the vendor above for the latest Distributor information

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